Vision & Values
The vision and values we hold at Wood End Primary School are to:
- Believe in our own abilities so we can achieve our dreams.
- Respect and value the diverse talents, needs and beliefs of everyone.
- Learn together in a safe and happy environment.
- Develop a lifelong love of learning.
- Build a community of belonging, high expectations and team spirit.
- Appreciate the world we live in and help to take care of it.
Our Learning Friends
Our Learning Friends remind us about our values and what they mean. |
Felix Fox reminds us to DREAM
Baldev Bee reminds us to BELIEVE
Rafiki Rabbit reminds us to ACHIEVE
Heidi Hedgehog reminds us to BE KIND
Omar Owl reminds us to BUILD COMMUNITY
British Values
Our aim is to pupils is in all aspects not in conflict with, or inconsistent with, any of the 5 British Values as set out below.
The five British Values are:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
Processes of democracy are taught through action; all classes follow class rules. During group lessons, pupils make choices about activities and the most popular is carried out, encouraging responsibility and respect.
Rule of Law
High expectations govern the classes, learning environments and the wider school community and these expectations are consistently adhered to improve their behaviour and conduct through bespoke programmes. Clear consequences are in place when rules are broken.
Individual Liberty
Pupils make individual choices within a safe, secure, supportive environment. Pupils are encouraged to address their individual needs.
Mutual Respect
Reinforced by the positive role models and interaction of staff at all levels and visiting members of the community, the school has an emphasis on its core values. Pupils frequently undertake fundraising for local, national and international charities, both through school-focussed charity events.
Tolerance of different Faiths and Beliefs
Regular visits, themed activities and sometimes visitors, including parents, support the children’s learning about faiths and beliefs. Our PSHE/SMSC/RE work celebrates elements of celebrations and festivals across all faiths represented within our school.